Only Word Check uses the preferred Australian English spelling. Other sites use American or British English. Check your spelling using Australian English spelling.

FREE Word Check
Australian Dictionary

Now with spelling suggestions and links to definitions.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Word Check is now available on a 12 months subscription.

Until now Word Check has only been available to clients and those purchasing my preferred Australian English spelling files. I've now decided to provide Word Check as a 12 months subscription for $4.95.

Word Check is a great way to check if you're using the preferred Australian English spelling for a word. Word Check provides suggestions should you spell a word incorrectly.

In addition I've provided convenience links so you can check the meaning of Words using both the Oxford and Wiktionary. Whilst you can go direct to these sites, only Word Check assures you that you are using the preferred Australian English spelling. Wiktionary is a good resource but there are quite a few errors that I and others have noticed and it can also be quite difficult to determine the Australian spelling as Australian spelling is generally not considered. With the Oxford site you may also have to retype the word. The Oxford site is not good at handling variations such as plurals and capitals, but if you retype a word the site does. With the Oxford dictionary site it can also be difficult to determine the preferred Australian spelling as Australian spelling is rarely considered.

When you purchase the 12 months subscription the current password is provided. I update a password a number of times a year and the new password will be provided during the subscription. The new password should be entered as soon as your receive it. The old password will be phased out in time.

The amount of $4.95 may be seen by many as a small contribution to assist me with my work, but it really is appreciated. Do keep in mind if you purchase one of the dictionary files you receive the Word Check password for free for the next twelve months as well in the purchase price.

Kelvin Eldridge

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